Weevil Jumpstart Program
The bc365游戏 Weevil Jumpstart Program is designed to provide first time freshman students admitted to bc365游戏 for the 2025 – 2026 with a seamless transition from high school to college. The program will provide a comprehensive array of activities and workshops tailored to meet the unique needs of incoming students. Participants will have the opportunity to:
- Engage in academic enrichment activities to strengthen foundational skills in key subject areas.
- Receive personalized advising and support to develop academic goals and create a roadmap for success.
- Connect with faculty, staff, and peers through mentorship opportunities and group activities.
- Gain valuable insights into campus resources, support services, and extracurricular opportunities.
- Cultivate essential life skills, such as time management, study techniques, and effective communication.
Weevil Jumpstart Program Details
- Earn 6 hours of college credit
- Exclusive residential living and learning community
- Small Classes
- Academic Skills Workshops
- Leadership Development
Program Costs
- Tuition and Fees - TBD – Summer Session II
- Meal Plan - TBD
- Room – Students will receive a housing scholarship to cover room charges
Jumpstart Checklist
- bc365游戏 Admission Application
- Official High School Transcript
- Official ACT or SAT Test Scores or Accuplacer
- Weevil Jumpstart Application
- bc365游戏 Summer Housing Application
- 2025 – 2026 FAFSA Application
Contact Us
Jessica L. Foxworth
Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement and Dean of Students
E-mail: foxworth@b67.net